hi, i'm nishant
let me take you through a few of my projects.salperth
a retro-style 2d rpg
Salperth is a game about an elf in a foreign land. Developed as my final project for AGPM at UCSC.
Developed from scratch with Godot, I programmed the movement, interaction and text systems myself. Along with the retro-style pixel art textures, I also implemented a shader to give the impression of an old TV screen.

a 2d platformer
Kasa has the player jumping across platforms, floating using their umbrella. Inspired by the aesthetics of hanafuda cards, I completed the majority of the game within a 3 week time period.
I developed the movement and mechanics myself, using Godot.
the js quiz
a humorous quiz about arcane JavaScript
Inspired by The Impossible Quiz by Splapp-Me-Do, the JS Quiz is a web application which asks questions about increasingly obscure and confusing JavaScript functionalities.

tamil liquids
a phonetic analysis of liquid sounds in Tamil
A research project performed on audio data collected from Tamil native speakers, trying to study the 'r' and 'l' like sounds in Tamil, specifically /ɻ/. Carried out as my capstone project for LING 214 at UCSC.
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- phonetic analysis carried out with Praat:
- data analysis carried out with R:
an interactive novel (in progress)
An interactive novel that plays in the browser, using React. This is what I'm developing right now, so it's a work-in-progress. At right is a early screenshot.