📖 about
I'm an introspective front-end developer, game designer, and language enthusiast, intrested in cross-cultural, accessible, and fun design. I always endeavor to do a lot with a little, and uphold a high level of sincerity in my work.
🗄️ employment
Group Tutor
UCSC Learning Support Services2023 june ↖ 2021 september↘ Via recommendation from professor, worked as the appointed group tutor for multiple Linguistics classes. Worked with professors and TAs to organize multiple sessions every week to provide support to students. Gave additional 1-on-1 support to students learning Python.Research Assistant
UCSC Department of Linguistics2022 september ↖ 2022 january↘ Worked under Rachel Walker, professor in Linguistics at UCSC to edit, analyze and interpret phonetic data collected from Ladin, a minority Romance language spoken in Northern Italy.
🏫 education
BA | Arts, Games, and Playable Media
University of California, Santa Cruz2023 june ↖ 2019 septemberBA | Language Studies: Japanese
University of California, Santa Cruz2023 june ↖ 2019 september- Cupertino High School2019 july ↖ 2015 august
🛠 skills
web development
- HTML5/CSSproficient
- Reactexperienced
- AngularJSexperienced
- MySQLexperienced
game development
- Godotproficient
- Unityexperienced
- Blenderexperienced
- Illustratorexperienced
- Reaperexperienced
- JavaScriptproficient
- Pythonproficient
- Gitexperienced
- Javaexperienced
- Rexperienced
- Praatproficient
- LaTeXproficient
- Englishnative
- Japanesebusiness-fluent
- Frenchbusiness-fluent
- Spanishproficient
- Hindiconversational